A Flicker of Magic release date

Hello dear readers!

I realize it’s been a minute since I have offered any updates as of late concerning my new novel in my brand new series.

I have a terrible confession to make. I finished A Flicker of Magic at the end of October. I don’t know how to explain why I have been keeping this book so secret. It’s probably the first time I have ever just wanted to keep a book I have written to myself for a bit. I don’t know if other writers can relate, but there was just something about this story which, I am even now, having a difficult time explaining my reasonings for safeguarding it for over three months.

Every line, every chapter, every character, grabbed ahold of me in a way that somewhat consumed me. I don’t think I was ever happier than when I wrote this book in the entire time I have been writing professionally. I was tired near the end, but it was the best kind of tired. It was more like exhilarating exhaustion.

I tucked it away and simply wrapped myself in the joy it gave me before I finally sat down to read the story I had crafted and to edit it lightly. There’s always a nagging fear that perhaps the story you wrote isn’t as good as you thought, but the minute I started reading it, I knew instinctively this might be, in my opinion, the best work I have ever written.

Then came the doubt. Not of this book, but how was I going to write the second novel in this series when I had such love for this one. Every writer has these uncertainties and fears when they begin crafting a sequel or another book in their respective series, but these feelings plagued me for well over two months. I had written my chapters outlines for the next book almost as soon as I had finished the first book and a few weeks ago, I gathered the courage to start writing again.

I also sent A Flicker of Magic to begin the editing process. I finally decided to share it with someone which may sound silly, but it was a big step for me in my current weird mindset I have for this book.

I am now excited to share it with you all and I am pleased to announce that the first book in The Warwick Witches Series, A Flicker of Magic, will be released on a very special date, May 1, 2024!

May first is one of the most magical days of my life. It was the day I became a mother for the first time and this book will be dedicated to my two sons who always support me and give me strength when I need it.

I promise not to be a stranger…no, really!


Follow me on Instagram! I finally made a professional account and I am having fun discovering how to make reels…my seventeen year old daughter is not as entertained as she attempts to teach me some teenage social media savvy.

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