New Chapter

I am almost done formatting Seeds of Discord. There are numerous emotions you experience when you finish writing a book to a series. You feel elation, exhaustion, and a curious sadness. I realize I should be happy about accomplishing my goal, but there is always a measure of grief in a sense because you must say goodbye to two people who have become almost friends in a weird way.

I loved writing Rafe from the moment I introduced him in Wings of the Brave. He was so much fun to create and, almost immediately, I knew he deserved his own story. Hattie was different in the fact that I felt like I grew to know her the more I wrote her. Being on this journey with her has been incredible and I know I have said before, but saying goodbye is difficult.

I have announced that she and Rafe will be in the next series. Obviously. It is called Village of the Lost and they will merely be minor characters. I feel like once the book is released then I can finally say goodbye and experience a release of sorts to move on with the next book…which I have started.

There is always an excitement, a tingle which happens, once I hunker down to start a book. All the planning, outlines, and emotions come rushing to the forefront. I can’t say too much about it right now, but in Seeds of Discord you will meet a few new beings who I can’t wait for you to get to know.

The first book, Lost & Entangled, is not going to be an easy book to write at first. It is going to start off in a very dark place and to get into that mindset is not a simple task for any writer. I’m also going to do something different for this series. Instead of one trilogy for one couple, I am doing one book for each of the three couples I plan to throw together.

So, instead of pontificating over three books, I have to write each book as a stand alone story and wrap it up at the end.

Yeah. Oh…boy.

It’s going to be a challenge, but I am looking forward to sharing with you more stories from this enchanting village and I also excited for you to finish Rafe and Hattie’s story. Two weeks from today, Seeds of Discord will be available to download and I hope you enjoy their final adventure.

Until then…


One Comment Add yours

  1. Jane Dutton says:

    Once you wrote your first book, boy-girl did you take off. I’m so proud of all the work you have put into your book.Love you

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